
You can be located anywhere in the world, as long as you speak English or Swedish and have access to emails and an internet connection fast enough for video calls. As client and coach, we work together through live sessions using either Skype, MS Teams, Zoom, Messenger, or WhatsApp. Ideally we use an app that allows for occasional viewing/sharing of documents through shared computer screens. Should you be located in Prague (where I live) or willing to travel here, we have the opportunity to run face-to-face conversations.

Try it out! I am prepared to conduct an explorative first session with new clients free of charge. This helps you to get started with life coaching and evaluate if it’s something for you,  without any financial commitment whatsoever.

Ideally, we’d then continue working together and establish a Coach-Client Agreement. The coaching is done through blocks of 4 sessions (each of 60 mins) at a time. We agree the specific times for all 4 sessions in advance – that could be once per week, every second week, monthly – it’s up to you and what works best for you. In between the sessions you may do some ‘homework’, while I prepare for next session and provide you useful tools and models (included in the coaching fee). Payment for each 4-session block is done in advance. Should you not be satisfied with the coaching, there is money back guarantee as outlined in the Coach-Client Agreement.

My recommendation is doing 4 x 60 mins intensively (once per week) within the course of one calendar month. Should there be appetite for continued coaching, I ‘d do another 4 x 60 mins package with monthly sessions during the following four months. This would make a 4-5 month coaching period consisting of 8 powerful coaching conversations with homework between the sessions.

Once we know each other I’d be happy to follow your life journey through “Annual Reviews” of your progress (one discussion per year). It all depends on the circumstances you are in.

Entering powerful coaching conversations with me requires your commitment! You will not only have to stick to what we agree in terms of actions and challenging changes, you will also need to commit to our agreed times for the sessions and do some imperative job between the sessions.

Fees & Payment:

In order for you to understand the cost for undertaking coaching by ASPLUND LIFE COACHING, the standard charge is EUR/USD 50.00 per hour. This is a directional amount only; a specific fee for a bundled package of multiple sessions can be agreed as per individual needs, and in other currencies (USD, SEK, CZK) when applicable. In some cases, I am willing to work outside standard hourly fees. We may agree on retroactive payment of a certain amount based on your satisfaction or goal fulfilment (i.e. getting the job promotion you desired).

Payment is done in advance 0f each block of sessions through PayPal (to PayPal account: or via bank transfer to my bank account. Bank details will be provided via email accordingly.

IMPORTANT! Make your payment via above PayPal link or bank transfer only after we have agreed on the terms and conditions in a signed Coach-Client Agreement.


All information (documented or verbal) that the client shares with me as part of the coaching relationship is bound to confidentiality. I do not disclose any information pertaining to the client without the client’s consent. This applies also for corporate clients, when the coaching program is supported and paid by the client’s employer. I will keep the client’s file – intake sheet, contract, copies of applied models and tools, and session correspondence – with the intention of undertaking future sessions.

I may keep written notes which the client is welcome to see at any time. These records are maintained confidentially and will not be stores on computer or passed to any third party. At the end of working together the notes will be retained securely for 5 years in the case the client wish to return to coaching at a later date. After that time they will be destroyed by secure shredding. Please refer to more details on ‘Confidentiality’ in the Coach-Client Agreement below.

Code of Conduct:

ASPLUND LIFE COACHING understands and abide by the Global Code of Ethics set out by the Association for Coaching.

I am an accredited member of the Association for Coaching® (AC) – a leading independent, and not-for-profit professional body dedicated to promoting best practice and raising the awareness and standards of coaching, worldwide. The purpose of the organisation is to inspire and champion coaching excellence, to advance the coaching profession and make a sustainable difference to individuals, organisations and society.


I use a combination of life coaching and self-leadership techniques with my clients. By utilising my coaching services, the client enters into an agreement with me that one is responsible for creating one’s own results, following the program and completing the tasks and activities outlined. I provide life-, career-, and wellness coaching. In the coaching program, any remedies, approaches and/or techniques mentioned are by way of invitation to the client.

Coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals, and the client should seek independent professional guidance for such matters. The coach is not liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the coach. Decisions and outcomes are undertaken at the sole responsibility of the client. Please refer to more details on ‘Disclaimer’ in the Coach-Client Agreement below.

Coaching Agreement:

Below you will find the standard Coach-Client Agreement used by ASPLUND LIFE COACHING and the Client Intake Form. The agreement shall be signed by both the coach and the client, prior to any payment, as a part of agreeing on moving forward in a coaching relationship. The Client Intake Form is a simple one-pager with basic information about the client, to be filled in the very beginning before signing the agreement.

Coach-Client Agreement

General Terms & Conditions (enclosed to the Coach-Client Agreement as Schedule 1)

Client Intake form

Corporate Clients:

Individual life- and career coaching is a strong alternative to traditional classroom training of personal growth and leadership programs. The Asplund 4-Step Life & Career Coaching Program, is developed to suit ambitious and professional managers working in a corporate environment. By undertaking this comprehensive and valuable program, the client will develop self awareness and grow as professional and person. Successful self-leadership is an indispensable platform for managing leadership of others.

Challenged and supported by the coach, the client will set goals that matters in one’s career and life in general, and establish a detailed action plan as strategy how to reach the goal(s). The program is run through 6 x 60 -minute conversation sessions via video calls throughout 2-3 months. The sessions are of typical coaching nature, going deep to the core of questions and problems, supported by the models and techniques that the client will apply and work through between the sessions.

Two follow up sessions are conducted one and three months after the completion of the 4-step program. This in order to ensure that steps forward are taken and there is progress toward the desired state, which the client has set out to reach.

The coaching program is supported by plenty of models and tools, for example; My Life Line, The Wheel of Life, Kolb’s Learning Styles, The Johari Window, The Four Room Apartment, Discovering Values and Beliefs, Finding Core Identity and Purpose, Goal Setting and Action Planning, and more. All documentation of the models and techniques are available at all times in the Toolbox section.

The program may be provided to the client as a competence development activity or as an employment benefit, paid by the client’s employer. ASPLUND LIFE COACHING respects confidentiality and leave it to the sole discretion of the client to disclose any information that is resulting from the coaching process to one’s employer. 

Learn more here about The Asplund 4-Step Life & Career Coaching Program, which is an impactful and life changing coaching process dedicated to company employees/managers.

Please note that due to its small size and turnover, the ASPLUND LIFE COACHING company is not VAT registered. It’s is a sole proprietorship company registered in Czech Republic, TIN: CZ7105069972.

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