In my coaching, I use several supporting and useful of tools and models. Some of them are made available for you to read and get insights free of charge.


The Wheel Of Life

The Wheel of Life is an exercise to assist you in identifying what is important to you and how well you feel you are fulfilling that particular area of your life. The identified weak areas or gaps (current situation vs ideal state) trigger goal setting and action plan

My Life Line

My Life Line is a summarising reflection of a your past experiences, in a career perspective and life in general. It has the advantage of suggesting in visual form both the eventfulness of a life and the degree of dramatic tension (emotional ups and downs)

Values and Beliefs

Discover your core values and what you hold true. You will identify positive and negative values on which your behavior and decisions are based, as well as self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your desired state

Identity and Purpose

Understand who you really are and why you are here. Powerful tools for finding your core identity, passion in life, and the impact you want to make

Goals and Actions

Driven by your values, passion and core identity you will set meaningful goals and actions. Understand how to establish goals relevant for you and create a detailed action plan using provided templates. Make your change plan, or life strategy!

Life Balance Work Book

In progress and soon available...

Creative Thinking

Creative Thinking Toolkit

Compilation of models and words of wisdom as inspiration for more creative- and positive thinking

Life Situation Assessment

Life Situation Assessment

Work book for evaluation of current life situation - likes and dislikes of different areas of life, triggering ideas on what to start, stop and continue

The 4-Room Apartment

The 4-Room Apartment

A simple and positive model to understand change processes both in personal life and at work

The Feedback Staircase

The Feedback Staircase

Principles and rules for mastering the art of giving and receiving feedback - one of the best sources for personal growth


Kolb Learning Styles

We all learn and deal with ideas and day-to-day situations in different ways. Knowing more about your learning style can help you better understand; how you solve problems, how you interact with others, how you manage conflicts, how you make career choices, and how you negotiate personal and professional relationships

The Johari Window

The Johari window is a technique that helps you better understand your relationship with yourself and others. The four quadrants are Open/Arena, Blind, Façade, and Unknown

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